Episode Choose Your Story Hack

Who didn’t want to visit the party with popular Hollywood stars? In Episode Choose Your Story you will not only attend these parties, but participate in other cool events. So let’s pick your first game!

What’s the best project?

Take a look at the list of scenarios. Developers together with skilled users created a bunch of interesting projects you can try. They have different genres and settings. So you will definitely find something you enjoy in this long list.

The most popular scenarios have high ratings. The players who complete the plot can rate it, so these numbers represent the quality of it. Read the description and find your favorite ones. And let the fun begin!

Every time you begin the new project, you can create your own character and pick the appearance of other main personages. Of course, you are able to name your hero. New clothes will appear later during your walkthrough. But you already can pick something stylish for your character. So this stage is done. What is waiting for you in the plot?

Enjoy different interesting scenarios

You can appear in different worlds. For example, you have the opportunity to enjoy the life of a superstar with lots of money and fans. However, in the beginning your character is just an average girl. But the future has various surprises and unexpected meetings for you.

If you want an ordinary romantic plot, pick the one you like from the huge variety. Go on dates, face various troubles and decide whether you want to become a couple, or not. Communicate with all the personages and change your final.

You will pick different lines in dialogues or decide how to act in a certain situation. This way you can solve different problems, find new friends and love interests and move forward by a plot. Some choices cost diamonds. But they include the exclusive content.

Go on romantic dates or visit the prom together with your boyfriend or girlfriend. And the gorgeous clothes are also included in these options. You also have the opportunity to unlock important information and various dialogues with personages.

Begin the first project and share your opinion. Try every game you want and get to your own unique final!